Our Vision...

is to support the implementation, sustainability and co-creation of safe, equitable, preventive and positive educational transformation addressing the social, emotional and behavioral (SEB) wellness of educators, students, families and communities through a Multi-Tiered System of Supports-Behavior (MTSS-B) framework.



Believes In:

  • High-quality professional development and technical assistance through the lens of applied behavioral analysis, proactive and prevention logic, and implementation fidelity of research-based systems, practices and data for decision-making.

  • Positive and equitable organizational capacity building using integrated student support service models (school, family and community partnerships).

  • Systemic implementation of culturally responsive practices enhancing equity in school discipline.

  • Trauma-informed crisis recovery and renewal strategies during current and future “syndemic” events.

  • Neuroscience research and healthy “Mind, Body & Spirit” connections to promote wellness for all.

Is Committed To:

  • Vision-driven leadership focusing on a strength-based, generative approach to positive transformation seeking to discover strengths, existing assets and potentialities.

  • High quality MTSS-B training, consultation and coaching of sustainable systems and evidence-based PreK-12 practices promoting social, emotional and behavioral competencies for student success and well-being.

  • Co-creating an inclusive and integrated student support service model with actively engaged stakeholders for community wellness and culturally equitable social, emotional and behavioral implementation.

  • Cultivating an educational culture that prioritizes educator workforce mental and emotional wellbeing through protective factors, responsive relationships and strong connections.


  • Communities of Practice
  • Educator Mindfulness Training
  • High School MTSS/PBIS Symposiums
  • MTSS/PBIS Tiered Leadership Academies
  • MTSS/PBIS District/Organizational Capacity Building
  • MTSS/PBIS Multi-Tiered Training Cycles (Preschool through 12)

PBIS SkillBuilder Professional Development Modules



REGISTERED 501(c)(3)
ein: 45-2848288

CalTAC PBIS, INC. © 2021