California Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
promoting safe and equitable learning environments
is to support the implementation, sustainability and co-creation of safe, equitable, preventive and positive educational transformation addressing the social, emotional and behavioral (SEB) wellness of educators, students, families and communities through a Multi-Tiered System of Supports-Behavior (MTSS-B) framework.
High-quality professional development and technical assistance through the lens of applied behavioral analysis, proactive and prevention logic, and implementation fidelity of research-based systems, practices and data for decision-making.
Positive and equitable organizational capacity building using integrated student support service models (school, family and community partnerships).
Systemic implementation of culturally responsive practices enhancing equity in school discipline.
Trauma-informed crisis recovery and renewal strategies during current and future “syndemic” events.
Neuroscience research and healthy “Mind, Body & Spirit” connections to promote wellness for all.
Vision-driven leadership focusing on a strength-based, generative approach to positive transformation seeking to discover strengths, existing assets and potentialities.
Co-creating an inclusive and integrated student support service model with actively engaged stakeholders for community wellness and culturally equitable social, emotional and behavioral implementation.
Cultivating an educational culture that prioritizes educator workforce mental and emotional wellbeing through protective factors, responsive relationships and strong connections.
PBIS SkillBuilder Professional Development Modules
CalTAC PBIS, INC. © 2021